D.V. Patrick
Reviews of my book
Our Highest Possibility"
"A powerful and aspirational read. The vivid and enlightening prose will captivate readers and leave them reflecting on their lives and the changes they can make for a better, more fulfilled life. A compelling and thought-provoking narrative.”
Editorial review by Alexander Holliday, Head of Editorial; Michelle Vagi, Executive Editor; Jade Robertson, International publishing director
“I recommend this inspirational book as a foundation for opening and looking within and finally see the world from a different angle.”
Els Verheije, Natural Health Care, Embodied Psychological Support, Specialized in Meditative Methods and Yoga Therapy/ Nidra
"Patrick D.V. masterfully challenges the reader to reflect upon his own being, his own mind, his relationship towards the entire cosmos. You can use it as a reference book, and get back to it whenever you feel like more introspection, connection, improving awareness. The imagery of the author's walk & talk with great sages adds both historical and scientific value to the book. The topics are of all times and very relevant at this moment with the challenges we face and the balance we seek. "
Ilse Hubrecht, Body/Mind Expert
“What a skillful work! Writing about something that almost cannot be captured in words, and succeeding. I was taken completely into the story. A story I want to hear many times, to be remembered who we really are. I hope many people will read this book.”
Mieke Verouden, MBCT Mindfulnesstrainer & Therapist
“Entering is not a book to read once, it’s a book to ponder, think about, get lost in and to accompany you on your own path. Not a GPS, a compass.”
Jo Zanders, General manager Aronia, Vedic Master Chopra University
“What I find so interesting, is that it seems as if introspection and empirical science are two routes to the same truth. What evokes remarkably interesting questions about the nature of consciousness.”
Wouter van Noort, Journalist NRC, Future Affairs, Transcend, The Netherlands
How to become the change we seek? Is a universal question that becomes completely clear in this brand-new book. It is brought as a story, what makes it very attractive and accessible.”
Gina De Groote, Changemaker, Newsmaker, Community builder We Are the Change

How can we live together with eight billion vulnerable bodies
with precious minds
on a breathtakingly beautiful
but extremely fragile planet?

Entering Our Highest Possibility
How to be Human in the 21st Century
Published in London/ Cambridge/ New York/ Dubai